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Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance provides financial protection and assistance to individuals while traveling. It offers coverage for a range of unexpected events, including,

  1. Medical emergencies
  2. Trip cancellations
  3. Lost baggage
  4. Other unforeseen circumstances that can disrupt travel plans.

Maximum period of Travel insurance policy is 6 months, which can be extended up to 6 months.


Medical Expenses

Covers the costs of emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, and evacuation during travel.

Lost or Delayed Baggage

Offers compensation for lost or delayed baggage, including reimbursement for essential items.

Personal Liability

Provides coverage for legal expenses and damages in case the insured is held legally liable for causing injury or property damage to a third party.

Trip Cancellation or Interruption

Provides reimbursement for non-refundable trip expenses in case of trip cancellations or interruptions due to covered reasons (e.g., illness, natural disasters).

Emergency Evacuation

Covers the expenses of emergency evacuation to the nearest adequate medical facility.


Adventure Sports Coverage - Extends coverage for injuries that occur during adventurous activities such as,

          a. Skiing
          b.scuba diving
          c. Hiking.

Travel Delay Coverage - Reimburses additional expenses incurred due to unexpected travel delays, such as accommodation and meal costs.

Transportation of Mortal Remains - Coverage for the transportation expenses of the insured's mortal remains back to their home country in case of death while traveling abroad.

Rental Car Insurance - Offers coverage for rental car damages or theft during the trip.

Pet Care Coverage - Covers expenses for the care of the insured's pet in case of trip-related emergencies.

Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) Coverage - Allows cancellation for reasons not typically covered, providing more flexibility.

travel insurance


1. Preexisting Medical Conditions (unless it is an emergency)

2. Injuries or incidents resulting from illegal activities may not be covered.

3. Coverage for events related to war, civil unrest, or acts of terrorism.

4. Coverage for travel to regions considered high-risk due to political instability or health hazards.

5. Cosmetic and dental treatment (unless it is due to an accident).